Friday, October 1, 2010

5 Excellent Ab Exercises for Men

Nowadays, fitness hassurpassed the notion of just being healthy and illness-free. Men, especially, like to correlate their fitness through building and strengthening muscles. This is not only for health reasons but also to be more confident in their physical appearance. Six pack abs are mostly the primary goal of most men. They expend their money, effort and time to achieve that well-built abdominal muscles. Whether in the fitness gym or at home, men exhaust different ab exercises for men.

There are many abdominal muscle exercises one can use to incorporate in his ab workout regimen. Sometimes, these myriad of exercises have confused many fitness enthusiasts. Some say crunches will definitely do the job. They can help one build strong, rock-hard abs. However, many fitness experts say that the overused crunches are just time wasters. They say that doing crunches is underproductive- it does not burn calories and poses health risks specifically on your lower back and spine. Even though regular crunches can help you grow bigger and strengthen your ab muscles, it does not necessarily work your lower back and oblique muscles. At the end, you don’t effectively gain your well-built abdominal muscles

Nevertheless, there are five excellent ab exercises for men. These exercises can aid in toning your abs and strengthening your core in a safer and balanced position compared to the old-fashioned, ineffective crunches.

Planks.This exercise will exercise you core muscle group while keeping your spine and back totally safe and straight. You can do this ab exercise in an interval of 30 seconds and above.

Side Planks. This exercise will work your oblique muscles, lower back muscles, and abdominal muscles. Because you have to keep your spine and back straight while doing this exercise, you are preventing the risks of spine and back injuries.

Stability Ball Roll Outs. This ab exercise is very effective because it works out the primary target areas to achieve well-built abdominals. It works out your abdominal muscles, lower back muscles, and core muscles. You spine and lower back needs to be straight while doing this exercise which makes your spine and lower back safe.

Mountain Climbers. Just like the plank exercise, it works your abs, lower back, and core muscles, aside from that, this exercise can also work out you legs and arms.

Stability Ball Pikes. This exercise will effectively work out your core muscles without compromising your spine and back.

The five excellent ab exercises for men can help you to produce great results in no time. You will enjoy achieving that well-built abdominals without conceding the safety of your spine and lower back.

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